Thursday, July 13, 2006

From One Red Paper Clip to Minnedosa ...

Today is a good day ...

At lunch today Ross came and told me to put out my hand and with some trepidation, I did ... he dropped into my hand one red paper clip and an enamelled pin from a small town in Saskatchewan called: Kipling.

Now, on an ordinary day this would have been just another strange offering from Ross ... but today it had added meaning and was a terribly exciting gift ...

Yesterday in Kipling Saskatchewan Kyle McDonald, the founder of the webblog: completed the trades that began a year ago with (surprise surprise) one red paperclip and through a series of ever increasing trades culminated in a gathering of folks, and media in Kipling Saskatchewan where he and his partner took possession of a lovely red and white house on Main St in the small rural town ...

The photos above are of the crowd gathered in downtown Kipling, Kyle and his girlfriend, and of the house that he managed to get after 14 trades and one years ... all starting with a single red paper clip (notice the BIG red paperclip to the left of the front step of the house !!)

Through happenstance (that can only happen to Ross), Ross happened to be in Kipling on a business call and arrived there just before the ceremony began ... Ross picked up a pin and a paper clip (a give away from the town of Kipling) and took some photos of the happening ...

So, I invite my loyal readers here (and there is an ever increasing number from far and wide) to check out Kyle's site, and to enjoy the photos I have added here ...

And for anyone out there feeling inspired by Kyle's accomplishments ... Let's see we're in need of a new (to us) vehicle ... I'll start with a coffee card from Minnedosa's own Chipperfield Coffee Company good for 5 free coffees ... anyone got something bigger and better to trade ?? (I'll even throw in a slice of cheesecake and a couple of Chipper-doodle cookies too !!)

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