Monday, January 22, 2007

J--'s Trivia 'n' Tidbits ... Part 11 ...

"Did you see the article in the paper today about the group of people in the States who are suing Pfizer over the little blue pill?" J-- asked as he approached the table where a couple of the regulars were sitting enjoying their coffees.

"What it didn't work for them?" chuckled one of the regulars, as the other sipped his coffee.

"Nay," said J-- as he sat down and waited as Kriss brought out his tea, "nothing like that. It seems that the little blue pill worked a bit too well."

"What the heck does that mean?" asked the second regular, setting down his coffee and watching as Kriss brought J-- his tea.

"Morning gentleman," said Kriss with a broad smile, "what are we talking about this morning?"

"The little blue pill," answered the first regular, "you know the one from Pfizer."

"Really?" said Kriss as she arched one eye brow and looked at J-- with a smirk.

"Hey?" snapped J-- laughing, "We're not talking about the little blue pill personally, I was just telling them about the law suit that some group in the US have launched against Pfizer over the little blue pill." The last syllables were stressed heavily.

"Yeah," laughed Kriss, "sure. Likely story." She turned and walked away smiling and chuckling.

"It's not about me," protested J--, holding up the newspaper, "it's about an article in here." He waved the paper as he spoke.

"Sure, sure," said Kriss, "I believe you." Her voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"Man," J--, shook his head and smiled, "now she's gonna think I'm on the blue pill."

"Are you?" asked the second regular.

"Not telling one way or the other," said J--.

"So, back to this law suit," said the first regular, "what does the article say?"

"Oh yeah," said J--, looking slightly startled, "I had forgotten about the article." He opened the paper and unfolded it searching out the article, "It's right here," his finger pointed at a small article, "it says that the company was marketing the pill to social circles where it would be used to enhance 'one's sexual prowess'."

"Really?" scoffed the first regular.

"Really!!" answered J--, "they claim that Pfizer encouraged the recreational use of the little blue pill and as a result gay men on the party circuit used it and exposed themselves to HIV and AIDS and other STDs, and now they want to sue Pfizer."

"STDs?" asked the first regular.

"Sexually transmitted diseases," answered J--, his voice expressing his disbelief.

"NOW what are you talking about?" asked Kriss, who had just approached the table to clear off the empty cups.

J-- winced, "we're still talking about the article in the newspaper." His voice sounded more like a plea than a statement.

"Sure, sure," Kriss' face was fighting back a smile, "little blue pills, STDs ... " she paused as she feigned shock, "I don't want to expose my tender ears to such talk ..." she tightened her mouth as she fought back a smile, "THIS is a family place you know ..."

The two regulars laughed as J--, smiled broadly and just shook his head.

"I'm telling you," J-- pleaded, "It's all in the article ..." his finger pointed a the newspaper sitting on the table in front of him, "we're talkign about the article."

"Sure, sure," snickered Kriss as she turned back towards the kitchen, her shoulders shaking from her surpressed laughter.

J-- was left shaking his head and smiling.

"So, about that article," said the first regular, "these guys use the blue pill and now they want the drug company held responsible for their stupidity and foolishness?"

"They want to sue the company?" asked the second regular.

"Yup," answered J--, "they claim that they wouldn't have engaged in such high risk behaviour if it hadn't been for the advertisements encouraging them to use the blue pill recreationally in a reckless manner."

"You're serious about this?" said the first regular.

"It's right here," J--'s finger landed on the article. The first regular leaned over and began reading the article and chuckled.

"It's too bad for the guys who got infected," said the first regular shaking his head, "but how can the company be held responsible?"

"The ads on TV say clearly that the pill doesn't prevent any transmittable diseases," said the second regular.

"Really?" snickered J-- with a broad smile, "you been watching the ads?"

"Watching the ads," said the second regular, "but I didn't say I needed, nor used the pill ..." He lifted his coffee and took a sip as he smiled and winked. The three men laughed.

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