Monday, July 03, 2006

Overheard at Chipperfield's ... part VI ...

"So, how did you mark the day?" asked one of the regulars as he sat down at the table with his coffee in hand.

"The day?" asked the other regular, a young fellow himself enjoying a large Chipperfield.

"Yeah, Canada Day." remarked the first regular, "How did you celebrate the birthday of our great nation." (it could just be me, but the last bit seemed to border on the sarcastic)

"Oh, Canada Day," replied the second, "Well, the kids and I went out to the Beach to take in the fesitivities, but we spent most of the time at the kiddie section where the bouncy castles and mini-golf were."

"Me too," answered the first regular.

"Really," returned the second regular, "I was there a LONG time, but don't remember seeing you ..."

"Well," the first regular offered rather sheepishly, "the grandkids were there ... I was under the trees by the beach, sitting in the shade and watching the world go by ..."

"The Swimsuit edition ??" Asked the second laughing slightly.

"Umm, yeah ..." replied a hesitant first as he sipped his coffee, then changed the subject slightly, "The fireworks were good though eh?"

"Absolutely," answered the second, "the Rec Committee did us all proud this year. The weather was great, the water was great, the activities were great and there wasn't a bug to be found anywhere ... it was a good day."

"A great way to mark Canada Day ..." offered the first, hoping to leave the beach comment behind.

"For sure ..." agreed the second.

"Hey, I noticed you were moving a little stiffer then usual today when you came in," noted the first, "you get a sun burn or something like that ..."

"Naw," replied the second looking down at his coffee mug, "nothing like that. The kids and I went out to Grey Owl's Cabin up at the park yesterday on our bikes."

"Nice ride," said the first nodding.

"Yeah, everything was fabulous." answered the second, "the trail was good, the weather was beautiful. We had a great time until I hit the tree root on the way back in, and got tossed over the handle bars of my bike. I hit the handle bars with my chest and flew into the brush alongside the trail. "

"Get hurt bad?" asked the first, obviously worried.

"Naw," the second replied stretching the syllable out a bit, "just my pride. I was winded slightly. I didn't mind having a mishap. They happen. I was offended by my daughter riding past me and snorting out - "Idiot" as I was lying off the path blacking out from being winded so badly ..."

"Yup," laughed the first, "kids always manage to keep us humble ..."

"Yup," agreed the second, "that they do ... that they do ..."

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