Sunday, January 28, 2007

J--'s Trivia 'n' Tidbits ... Part 13 ...

"So, did you see the article about the guy who made a down hill sled out of an easy chair?" asked J-- as he approached the table where two other regulars were sitting.

"Yeah, it was on the front page the other day wasn't it?" said one of the regulars.

"It was a pretty cool idea," said Kriss as she set down the cup and the tea pot, "I wouldn't mind trying to go down the hill in something like that ..."

"Looked crazy to me," said one of the regulars, "nailing crazy carpets to the bottom of an old chair and flying down the hill doesn't strike me as a good time."

"I dunno," said the other regular, "give me a cold one and the remote and it would be like sitting at home beside the Mrs, ..."

"Only safer," laughed J--, "the only risk flying down the hill is hitting something on the way down ... "

"Yeah sure," scoffed the first regular, "but I still wouldn't be planting my butt in a chair flying down some hill on a couple of yards of crazy carpets."

"Oh come on," said Kriss, "It's cool idea though ..."

With that, the J-- and the two regulars laughed and Kriss turned and headed back behind the counter to serve the next customer waiting to order.

"So, did you catch the follow up article in today's paper about the guy on the chair?" asked J--.

The two regulars shook their heads as J-- unfolded the newspaper and laid it on the table in front of them.

"Check this out," J--'s finger pointed to the headline on the page open in front of the regulars, "turns out the young fella was on probation and serving a term of house arrest at the time the picture was taken. Turns out he wasn't to be away from his place of residence."

"He was tobogganing when he should have been at home under house arrest?" marvelled the first regular.

"Yup," answered J--, a big smile crossing his face, "I can just see the judge choking on his cheerios in the morning when he opened the paper, saw the picture and and thought to himself - 'I put him under house arrest,' while he looked at the picture."

"Yeah and I bet the guy's probation officer flipped out too," observed the second regular.

"So, what happened to him?" asked the first regular.

"Oh, he turned himself in the day of the article," said J--, "He knew his goose was cooked. So, he walked into the court and faced the consequences of his own stupidity. It says he's serving some hard time now."

The two regulars chuckled as J-- grinned.

"Someone serving time in jail, isn't really funny," observed the second regular, "but the story is kind of funny."

"Well, maybe he'll use his time behind bars to accomplish something," said the first regular.

"Yeah," laughed J--, "he could use the workshops and courses to fine tune his creation and turn it into a unique business opportunity."

"He's got lots of time on his hands," said the second regular, "he might as well take advantage of it. At this point he really hasn't much to lose, and it might pay off when he comes out."

"True enough," laughed J--, "in my time working around the courts, I saw a lot of lunacy, but I have to admit this one was a new one. At first I had to wonder if he was playing with a full deck, but when you consider the ingenuity of his idea, I suppose he'll figure it out, and maybe he'll even turn himself around."

"One can always hope," said the first regular, lifting his mug in a toast to J--'s comments.

"Hey, any body who came up with the idea of tacking crazy carpets on an easy chair and flying down the hill, can't be a total idiot," said the second regular, "maybe he can turn it around."

"When you put it that way, I guess he could," observed J--, "like you said, 'one can always hope' ..."

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