Thursday, November 16, 2006

Overheard at Chipperfields' ... Part LIV ...

"Hey Ross, what are you doing?" asked Anna cheerfully, as she approached the table by the juke box.

"Um nothing," muttered Ross as he seemed to scramble to put the assorted cards back in the box in front of him.

"Are those the customer card?" asked Anna in a conspiratorial tone, one eye brow raised, "why do you have them out?"

"I was just looking at them," muttered Ross trying to replace them while looking like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar, "I wasn't doing anything with them ..."

Anna reached out and picked up the stray card lying on the table, she turned it over and read "The Rev." written on the front. She then held it up for Ross to see.

"Was this the one you were looking for?" asked Anna, holding it just out of Ross' reach.

"Can I have it back?" Ross' voice bordered on a whine, "It's not important ..."

"What were you doing with it?" asked Anna in a firm voice as Jaydee's voice called out from behind the counter.

"Has anyone seen the customer card box?" Jaydee asked as she ducked down behind the counter and looked on the shelves below the cash register.

"It's over here," answered Anna, her icy glare still fixed on Ross. As Anna spoke Jaydee came over to the table and scooped up the box, snatching the card out of Anna's hand.

"Why was it over there?" Jaydee asked as she swung back towards the counter, "it should be behind the counter ..." her voice trailed off as she returned to finish the order for her customer.

Anna stood before Ross, one hand clutching the coffee, the other hand still held aloft where it had been holding the card, "So, do you care to offer an explanation, or shall I call Bonnie and let HER ask you ??"

"Okay," said Ross sounding defeated, "I wanted to look at The Rev's card and see if he's been in here since I floated that idea."

"The Holy Water idea?" asked Anna, a sly smile crossing her face.

Ross nodded, "I haven't seen him and I'm a little worried."

"That he's not coming any more?" asked Anna.

"No, nothing like that," said Ross quietly, "I'm more worried about my personal safety."

"Your personal safety?" stated Anna, sounding incredulous, "why would you be worried about your personal safety?"

"Well, J-- told me that The Rev was pretty ticked off by my idea," said Ross quietly glancing towards the front window, "and ... " he paused "... well ..." he paused again as though he was searching for words, "I dunno."

Anna laughed, a broad smile accompanying her laughter, "You're afraid of The Rev?" she marveled, "why would you be afraid of The Rev?"

"I'm not afraid of him," Ross responded defensively, "I know he wouldn't harm me, it's just ..."

"You want him to go along with the idea don't you?" asked Anna, "you're afraid of him saying no to the whole idea of setting up a tv ministry aren't you?"

"No," offered Ross, his voice lacking conviction, "It's not that at all ..." his voice trailed off as Anna again started to laugh.

"YOU really want to do this ONE don't you?" Anna laughed as she spoke, "and you're afraid you've ticked off The Rev and he won't help you ..."

"No, it's nothing like that ..." pleaded Ross.

"Nothing like what?" asked J--, as he approached the table and sat down.

"Oh nothing at all ..." said Ross as he stood up and headed into the kitchen.

J-- and Anna watched him go before J-- spoke.

"So what was that all about?" J-- asked.

"Ross is afraid of The Rev," Anna stated as she sipped her coffee and smiled.

"The Rev," J-- smiled, "Why's he afraid of The Rev? He think The Rev is going to go all Rambo on him over the holy water thing?"

"No, I think Ross is afraid The Rev is going to say 'No' to the Holy Water thing," said Anna sitting down opposite J--.

"Why would that worry Ross?" mused J--, "after all the fiascoes we've witnessed her recently, why would The Rev not buying into the Holy Water thing be a problem?"

"I don't even begin to pretend I understand Ross," observed Anna laughing.

"Me either," laughed J--.

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