Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Overheard at Chipperfield's ... part XXII ...

"So, did you read about the yahoos harassing Oscar Peterson?" asked one of the regulars as he sat down at the table, "Pretty sad statement of modern life ain't it?"

"You got that right," replied one of the two regulars sitting at the table, "It's the big cities, I tell you. People have no respect for anyone."

The other two nodded in agreement.

"Hey, maybe we should invited Oscar to move to Minnedosa," offered the thried regular, "he wouldn't have to put up with that kind of nonsense around here."

"Of it it happened, we could ALL deal with it," laughed the first regular.

"Yeah, and I bet the coffee here is better then that swamp water he used to hawk on tv," offered the second regular.

The three laughed as Kriss approached their table.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Just commenting on the yahoos harassing Oscar Peterson," offered the first holding up one of the dailies from Winnipeg.

"That's pretty sad," offered Kriss, "I can't claim to be a fan of his music, but I KNOW he deserves better treatment then that."

"We were just saying that we should write Mr Peterson and offer him a house here in town," offered the second regular, "we wouldn't let this kind of thing happen," he pointed at the picture of Peterson for effect.

"What a great idea," offered Kriss, "Bonnie could bring a piano in here, and we could see if he would come down a plunk away of the piano from time to tie just to keep things interesting."

"It would be great PR," offered the first regular, "Kinda like the press coverage little Kipling got last month with One Red Paper Clip guy."

"Either way, it's still better PR then Kipling is getting today!!" offered the second regular.

"You got that right," agreed the third regular.

"So, who's gonna write this letter?" asked Kriss, "it wouldn't hurt to invite someone like Mr Peterson to move to town. We would make him feel really welcome ..."

"You got that right," said all three regulars together, "you got that right ..."

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