Sunday, July 23, 2006

Overheard at Chipperfield's ... part XVIII ...

"So, I was pumping my gas at the station in Hinton," a group of regulars at one of the tables was being entertained by one of their number who had just returned from a trip to BC, "and the guy in front of me looks at my license plate and sees Manitoba and asks, 'How were the gas prices coming out?' Well, I answered him honestly. I said they were high in Manitoba, higher in Saskatchewan and when you crossed the border they got a bit lower, but still too high."

"Ain't that right," agreed one of the other regulars.

"Yeah, but that ain't the weirdest part of this trip," says the first regular, "as this guy and I are talking he asked where we've come from, and I said 'Oh a little town up the Yellowhead called Minnedosa ...' and he answers me - 'Go on, that's where we're headed to visit my son ...' Turns out his son works down the street at that Internet Pharmacy, and his daughter in law works at the Hospital !!"

"Go on," snorted one of the regulars, "you're pulling our leg?"

The other three at the table nodded in agreement.

"I swear," said the first regular, "with God as my witness. It happened. The guy was heading to Minnedosa as we were heading out ..."

The four others at the table all shook their heads in bewilderment.

"Mind you," the first continued, "I've yet to have a trip anywhere in Canada that I don't meet someone who is from, going, or has just been in Minnedosa ... it's just that kind of town."

"It's the centre of the known universe," called Bonnie from behind the counter, "we just don't appreciate it because we live here ..."

"Ain't that the truth," offered on the regulars as he lifted his mug in salute to Bonnie's comment and our town.

"Absolutely," agreed the others, "it's a fine town," they offered.

"Well," the first regular, "it WAS really nice to get away, but it is always nicer to get home ..."

"Ain't that the truth," offered the regular who had said that twice before.

"Can't you say something other then, 'Ain't that the truth?'" pondered one of the other regulars.

The other paused, smiled then shrugged.

"Ain't that the truth," laughed the first regular as they all picked up their coffees and offered a faux salute ...

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