Sunday, June 25, 2006

And now for a shameless promotion ...

Out for a nice bike ride around Minnedosa, but feeling a little overheated ??

Been mowing the lawn all evening and feeling hot and sweaty??

Been hanging out at the beach and just need a little something to cool off with??

Well, stop by Chipperfield's. They have a selection of coolers, smoothies and iced drinks to help cool off any heat Manitoba can throw our way ...

Stop in and check out the wide selection of flavours available in the coolers, and iced lattes - there is something for everyone's palate ... and if a iced drink doesn't ring your bell, the cooler is filled with refreshing beverages including the mysterious Tibetan Tea ...

Or if you want to play it safe, a cup of java is never a bad idea ...

Anyway you look at it - Chipperfield's is a good place to stop by and enjoy a refreshing break from your day ... the staff promise if your spouse phones to see why you haven't finished mowing the lawn, they say you've JUST headed home ...

Hot or cold - the beverage selection at Chipperfield's is top notch ... there is something for every taste ...

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